Colecţia de artă contemporană a Cercului Militar Naţional - page 9

In the centre of the capital of Romania, an edifice of reference for inter-war Romanian architecture rises majestically and imposingly:
Palace of the National Military Circle
. Inaugurated on February 4th, 1923, well over ten years after the first stone of the foundation was laid in
the presence of the Royal family and the elite of the Romanian army at that time, the Palace is the creation of architect Dimitrie Maimarolu,
schooled in Paris, as well as his collaborator Ernest Doneaud, the latter having handled the interior decorating of the sumptuous halls and rooms
of the Palace. Created in an eclectic style, a style that was widespread during the second half of the 19th century and at the beginning of the
20th century in Europe,
The Palace of the National Military Circle
is parte of an important series of architectural monuments which were built
in Bucharest during that time and which, through their elegance and beauty, gave the Romanian capital the name of "Little Paris."
Restored after 1989, the Palace hosts national political or scientific meetings, symposiums, conferences and other remarkable events in
its elegant areas, as well as numerous activities that take place in the cultural-educational circles which the institution itself organizes.
A completely new activity was the initiation and organization of
Romanian Contemporary Art Exhibits
in its halls. On July 20th, 1992, in
the Moor Hall, the first of a long series of this type of exhibits is inaugurated, exhibits will which be hosted rhythmically, in its elegant space.
A new stage of this much appreciated initiative will be represented by the inauguration, on June 15th, 1995, of the new exhibit hall - The Art
Gallery - a special event in the cultural life of the capital which will have, from this day forth, one of the most elegant and appreciated exhibit
areas. Within a short period of time,
the Art Gallery of the National Military Circle
has become the most prestigious art gallery in Bucharest -
as it was considered by the mass-media and the critics in the field - carrying out an intensive exhibiting activity and with the sole selection
criteria being the authentic value of the exhibitors. On the walls of the Art Gallery, in over 10 years of activity, some of the most prestigious
names of Romanian contemporary art have exhibited their work. At the same time though, young and promising talents were also promoted
here, who were thus offered the possibility to become known by the public, the critics in the field and even by collectors. The practical result
of this activity was the inauguration on June 13th, 2001, in the presence of personalities of political, cultural, scientific, military etc. life, of
the Contemporary Art Gallery of the National Military Circle,
a true picture gallery made up of works donated by exhibiting painters.
Numbering, until the present, over 110 works of art signed by over 80 prestigious names of Romanian contemporary art, this collection - which
has also gained legal personality - is today one of the most valuable collections of contemporary art hosted by an institution that does not belong
exclusively to the culture system. The collection has enjoyed and continues to enjoy the eulogistic appreciations expressed by numerous
delegations from across our borders which have visited
The Palace of the National Military Circle
on the occasion of protocol events and whose
opinions are consigned in the Honorary Book of the institution. To become better acquainted with the works of art hosted in
the Romanian
Contemporary Art Gallery,
it was considered necessary create a publication which would present to those interested - even if in a succinct
manner -, the patrimony on exhibit. The present work is thus a selective repertoire in which the names of artists appear with sketchy biographic
data and, as much as space allowed, a few reproductions of their work. Even if some authors, due to objective issues, are presented only with
the title of their works from the collection, the latter does not diminish in any way from their value or the signed works. The fact that they
have been accepted to appear on the wall of a collection acknowledged through the exigency of the selection system, is proof of their
professional dignity.
The names have been listed alphabetically in this repertoire, with the main biographic data being mentioned of the authors in order to
bring their artistic personality to light. It can be seen that both highly famed artists with long years of professional experience as well as younger
painters who have obtained acknowledgement both from recognized painters as well as from the public and critics in the field. From this point
of view the „Art Gallery“, the exhibit hall of
The National Military Circle
, was - as mentioned before - a permanent supporter of younger artists
offering them, periodically, the possibility to organise either personal or group exhibits.
The biographic data from the pages of this work were selected from the brochures, catalogues and CVs of the artists as well as from
Encyclopaedia of Contemporary Romanian Artists
(volumes I-V) published by the ARC Publishing House Bucharest, which I thank for their
kindness. It is without a doubt that their will be inevitable omissions or incomplete data for which the author apologises ensuring the artists of
his full esteem.
Victor Simion
Art Historian
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,...83
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